– I’m Ryonen Butcher, and I’m a member of the world’s oldest profession –
taxonomy. [Hi Ryonen!] My descent into this publicly-shunned and
socially-misunderstood world began when I embarked on a BSc Honours project to
resolve the Sphaerolobium macranthum Meisn. complex in
south-western Australia. Little did I know that this was just a gateway project
and that soon I’d need more… First I re-circumscribed one species and
reinstated two others, but it wasn’t enough. Soon after, I recognised my first
new species in the genus, and I was hooked. Before I knew it, there were
publications… Oh. My. God - the high! THE HIGH!! Species followed species and
genus followed genus as I spiralled into the all-encompassing vortex of plant
taxonomy in a biodiversity hotspot. I’ve dragged others into this life,
infecting the susceptible and excitable minds of university students with my
obsessions and passions... It’s been years since I’ve seen my mother. I send
her reprints to let her know I’m okay, but still she cries over the phone –
Why? Why couldn’t you be a lawyer?? I’m sorry mum. I’m sorry…
(Ryonen counts Sphaerolobium, Mirbelia and Tephrosia (Fabaceae), Synaphea (Proteaceae), and Tetratheca and Platytheca (Elaeocarpaceae) among her addictions. She needs help. For obvious reasons.)